Let's get something straight from the start of this post...
Jerry Reynolds has played keyboards for The Dry Martini Orchestra since 1999, and was the keyboard player who performed at The New Frontier in Las Vegas, Nevada, during the final night of that longstanding Las Vegas hotel & casino. (15 July 2007)
Closing night at The Frontier was a surprisingly upbeat event. This was largely due to the Dry Martini Orchestra doing an excellent performance; musically and energetically.
Can you imagine the type of energy it took to bring The New Frontier to life?
If you weren't at the closing of The New Frontier, then you won't really know that what I am writing is solid, but what I am saying is that:
The Dry Martini Orchestra did a performance that not only brought that place to life, but did a truly excellent live performance that set and implanted an energetic and happy vibe into everyone in the The New Frontier.
At midnight, it was employees of The New Frontier who told people to cash out, but it was the band who conducted the evening.
In the top photo which I am including with this post, you can see Sinatra tribute style frontman Nick D'Egidio with guest singer Norm Kaye, and further back is Jerry Reynolds at the keyboard. I think this photo portrays a little of the energy and excitement of the evening. All other photos feature Jerry more prominently.
The Dry Martini Orchestra has a CD available at:
(That's not an affiliate link.)
Also you can find The Dry Martini Orchestra at MySpace at:
Lastly, Jerry Reynolds, keyboard player for The Dry Martini Orchestra, can be found at:
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