Conveniently located one block from the dark, empty, and closed Lady Luck, is The Gold Spike!
Originally I was going to just let this be a Gold Spike photo essay. Then I thought, no that is too lazy. I ought to at least see if there is a Gold Spike website, and if so, include a link to it.
Well there is a Gold Spike website, and it may just count as the thinnest hotel/casino website I have seen. Fewer photos than this blog post. Perhaps less text than this post. So I am not that lazy after all. Go see for yourself.
The street was sort of desolate and creepy when I photographed it. Attractive in a...desolate and creepy way. Then I went inside The Gold Spike for a few minutes. The place had a good number of people in it, but something spooked me. I felt cold and uncomfortable, and I am not sure why.
I felt better once out in the dark streets of downtown Las Vegas.
Gold Spike - Wow. Looks like only about one step up from The Western.
I will have to pencil in The Western for an upcoming post.
No blackjack. I think that's the chill you felt.
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