At 0230 hrs on Tuesday 6 March 2007 the 9 story garage at Las Vegas Boulevard and Cathedral Way, was imploded. This garage was part of The Desert Inn, and most recently had been used by Wynn.
I was on the south end of The (closed) Stardust, diagonal from the Wynn garage. About 40 people were on that corner, and perhaps 75 across the street.
The garage had a black tarp over it, so we don't really know that there was a garage there at all. But there was a black tarp.
Local television did not cover the event live, which I found surprising. I expected them to cut into Poker After Dark for a minute or two and show the implosion. (Yes, I had a mini television with me.)
The sound, and shock waves were impressive. When the first blast went off, i was startled and moved back a little. Blasts went off in distinct succession, followed by a more rapid sequence which caused the implosion. The structure collapsed inward from east to west; with the west (correction - east not west) side apparently already down, while the Las Vegas Boulevard side wall was still standing.
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