Five Places To Visit In Las Vegas
Changes often occur unusually quickly in Las Vegas. When people visit Las Vegas for the first time, they often visit the major new places, and go back home. Some time later, those who become more interested in Las Vegas may develop a desire to visit places which existed on their first trip, but alas are no more. This is a very common experience. It has happened to me, and to many people with whom I have spoken.
Two things which are almost certain about a first trip to Las Vegas are:
1-You will not have enough time.
2-Everything will appear closer than it is.
This leads to comments such as:
a) We didn't get to...(insert name of place not visited)
b)I am tired of walking
I can not imagine someone visiting Las Vegas who would not want to check out the New York New York Hotel. It is an incredible place inside and out, and must be visited. However, let me also point out that there are places which may well not be here the next time you come. And if you wind up being interested in Las Vegas enough to come and visit a second time, then you undoubtedly will have some thoughts of places which you had the opportunity to visit, but not sense enough to visit.
This is very easy to understand. The new places, The Venetian, New York New York, and others, are all so obviously incredible, that a smaller older place such as The New Frontier (which is not very new) does not compete well for a newcomers attention. In order that you may one day not wish that you could go back in time, here is a list of places which may or may not be at risk of being due for a "significant change."
1-The Stardust - The Legendary Stardust closed on 1 November 2006. The ground level buildings have almost all been razed. As I write this, the sign is being taken down. Both hotel buildings have been gutted, and windows removed. It is a skeleton, and is scheduled to be imploded at 0200 on 12 March 2007.
There are major, new places nearby. As wonderful as they may be in their own right, it is quite possible that all that some of the new places will ever be, will never reach the level of all that The Stardust has ever been. Do not miss taking a look at this legend. What is left of it will disappear very soon, and if you are reading this after 12 March 2007, I suppose that it is gone.
2-The New Frontier. Not that you would confuse it with a different Frontier. This is a rather old place on The Strip. The sign might be the oldest on The Strip. It is next to The Stardust, so you can certainly visit both at the same time. There have been several rumors of The New Frontier closing. It stands to reason that sooner or later a small place like this will seek to make something larger on their valuable property.
3-The Riviera. No news here, but it is an older place, and is probably worth a visit.
4-The Las Vegas Hilton. This is the Star Trek themed casino (it is very well done). They have The Star Trek Experience which you must see to believe. As this Las Vegas hotel is off The Strip many people do not make it there. Recently I have heard a rumor that the site may be redeveloped in a year or two. The Las Vegas Hilton is a long block away from The Riviera (up the block from the main entrance of Circus Circus).
5-Circus Circus. I have heard nothing about Circus Circus closing - but it is an older place (with new parts as well) and it would be unfortunate to visit Las Vegas and not experience Circus Circus. It is a true original oddity, and worth a visit.
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